Whisper (2007)

Whisper (2007)


Anda menonton film Whisper (2007) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.When the eight-year-old son, David, of a wealthy New England socialite is abducted, his kidnapper Max Harper and his seedy associates assume it will be a routine kidnapping in exchange for a large ransom. Unknown to the kidnappers, the shy and reserved David actually has a hidden agenda of his own, and a mysterious way of tapping into the minds of others. Soon, Max will wish that he had never kidnapped David, much less even heard of him. ??ScriptsBudget: ,000,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: ,285,197Soundtrack: Dream Into Me (Music by Jeff Rona)Stewart HendlerJennifer Shirley, Blake Woodruff, Michael Rooker2007-05-16 (United States, Canada, United Kingdom)tt0435528 Untuk menonton Whisper (2007) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Stewart Hendler

Pemeran:Josh Holloway , Michael Rooker , Blake Woodruff , Jennifer Shirley

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