Truth or Die (Truth or Dare) (2012)

Truth or Die (Truth or Dare) (2012)

Anda menonton film Truth or Die (Truth or Dare) (2012) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.This is a British movie about a group of teens who while at a party, play a game of 'Truth or Dare', but the game gets out of hand when one of the party goers (Felix) is picked on by the other teens. A few months later they are all invited to a party that Felix is throwing at his parents mansion. But when they get there they are told the party is in a cabin further up the road. They arrive to find that Felix's brother is there instead, but where is Felix, and what does his brother have in store? ??Michael Hallows EveAwards: 1 winBudget: ,000,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: ,504,058Soundtrack: High Volume (Screwface Strikes Back remix) (Performed by Si Begg)Robert HeathTom Kane, Liam Boyle, Jack Gordon2012-08-06 (United Kingdom)tt1838722 Untuk menonton Truth or Die (Truth or Dare) (2012) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Robert Heath

Pemeran:Florence Hall , Tom Kane , Jack Gordon , Liam Boyle

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