Thunderbird 6 (1968)

Thunderbird 6 (1968)


Anda menonton film Thunderbird 6 (1968) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.The International Rescue team is faced with one of its toughest challenges yet, as the revolutionary lighter-than-air craft Skyship One is hijacked while on it's maiden voyage around the world. Against backdrops including the Statue of Liberty and the Sphinx, Lady Penelope, Parker, Alan and Tin-Tin fight the hijackers from on-board, while the rest of the team tries to stop the airship crashing into a missile silo. ??Fridolin Hobbes Soundtrack: The Man in his Flying Machine ((Music from "The Man on the Flying Trapeze" by George Leybourne))David LanePeter Dyneley, Sylvia Anderson, Shane Rimmer1968-11-20 (United Kingdom)tt0063694 Untuk menonton Thunderbird 6 (1968) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:David Lane

Pemeran:Shane Rimmer , Jeremy Wilkin , Matt Zimmerman , Peter Dyneley , Sylvia Anderson

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