The Sting (1973)

The Sting (1973)


Anda menonton film The Sting (1973) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Johnny Hooker, a small time grifter, unknowingly steals from Doyle Lonnegan, a big time crime boss, when he pulls a standard street con. Lonnegan demands satisfaction for the insult. After his partner, Luther, is killed, Hooker flees, and seeks the help of Henry Gondorff, one of Luther's contacts, who is a master of the long con. Hooker wants to use Gondorff's expertise to take Lonnegan for an enormous sum of money to even the score, since he admits he "doesn't know enough about killing to kill him." They devise a complicated scheme and amass a talented group of other con artists who want their share of the reparations. The stakes are high in this game, and our heroes must not only deal with Lonnegan's murderous tendencies, but also other side players who want a piece of the action. To win, Hooker and Gondorff will need all their skills...and a fair amount of confidence. ??headlessannieAwards: 18 wins & 6 nominations totalBudget: ,500,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: 6,000,000Soundtrack: Easy Winners ((1901) (uncredited))George Roy HillPaul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw1973-12-25 (United States)tt0070735 Untuk menonton The Sting (1973) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:George Roy Hill

Pemeran:Robert Redford , Charles Durning , Paul Newman , Robert Shaw

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