Shino Cannot Say Her Own Name (2018)

Shino Cannot Say Her Own Name (2018)


Anda menonton film Shino Cannot Say Her Own Name (2018) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Following the manga source material high school girl Ooshima Shino has a speech impediment and, as such, enjoys a lack of friends and general awkwardness. Shino soon meets Kayo who is tone-deaf despite her love of music and song. None of it is a show-stopper. They decide to found a music group, which changes them both. ??aghaemiAwards: 1 winHiroaki YuasaJun Aonami, Riku Hagiwara, Akana Ikeda2018-07-14 (Japan)tt8185584 Untuk menonton Shino Cannot Say Her Own Name (2018) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Shino Cannot Say Her Own Name

Pemeran:Riku Hagiwara , Jun Aonami , Akana Ikeda , Akari Kakimoto

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