Sex and the City (2008)

Sex and the City (2008)


Anda menonton film Sex and the City (2008) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.After moving in together in an impossibly beautiful New York apartment, Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big make a rather arbitrary decision to get married. The wedding itself proves to be anything but a hasty affair--the guest list quickly blooms from 75 to 200 guests, and Carrie's simple, label-less wedding gown gives way to an enormous creation that makes her look like a gigantic cream puff. An upcoming photo spread in Vogue puts the event--which will take place at the New York Public Library--squarely in the public eye. Meanwhile, Carrie's girlfriends--Samantha, the sexpot; Charlotte, the sweet naA¯f; and Miranda, the rigid perfectionist--could not be happier. At least, they couldn't be happier for Carrie. Charlotte still has the unrealized hope of getting pregnant. Samantha is finding a loving, committed relationship more grueling than she could have imagined. Miranda unwittingly lets her own unhappiness--created when Steve admits to cheating on her just once--spoil Carrie's. After a heated encounter with Steve, she happens to spot Mr. Big and tells him he's crazy to get married. She's really only thinking of her own marriage. But her angry remark gets Mr. Big to thinking. ??J. SpurlinAwards: 2 wins & 12 nominationsBudget: ,000,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: 8,765,519Soundtrack: Labels or Love (Written by Salaam Remi and Rico Love)Michael Patrick KingSarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon2008-05-30 (United States)tt1000774 Untuk menonton Sex and the City (2008) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Michael Patrick King

Pemeran:Sarah Jessica Parker , Cynthia Nixon , Kristin Davis , Kim Cattrall

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