Samurai Princess (Samurai purinsesu Gedô-hime) (2009)

Samurai Princess (Samurai purinsesu Gedô-hime) (2009)


Anda menonton film Samurai Princess (Samurai purinsesu Gedô-hime) (2009) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.AS group of young schoolgirls walking through the woods is attacked and raped by a gang of thugs. Only one of the girls survives, but is badly injured. She is found by a scientist who takes her back to his lab, gives her a new robotic body and a female monk gives her magical powers. They send her out to take revenge on her attackers, but as it turns out he has an ulterior motive for his actions. Kengo KajiAino Kishi, Dai Mizuno, Asuka Kataoka2009-06-20 (Japan)tt1412334 Untuk menonton Samurai Princess (Samurai purinsesu Gedô-hime) (2009) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Kengo Kaji

Pemeran:Terri Doty , Miki Hirase , Takeshi Ayabe , Yû Aiba

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