GekijAban Shirobako (2020)

GekijAban Shirobako (2020)


Anda menonton film GekijAban Shirobako (2020) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Four years after Shirobako (2014), Aoi Miyamori keeps busy dealing with the ordinary troubles in her daily work at Musashino Animation. After a morning meeting, Aoi is put in charge of a new theatrical anime project for the studio. The project has unexpected problems, and Aoi is unsure if the company can proceed with a theatrical anime with its current state of affairs.Worldwide Gross: ,588,312Soundtrack: Hoshi o Atsumete (Performed by Fhána)Tsutomu MizushimaYoshitsugu Matsuoka, Ayane Sakura, Ai Kayano2020-02-29 (Japan)tt8346438 Untuk menonton GekijAban Shirobako (2020) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Gekijôban Shirobako

Pemeran:Yoshitsugu Matsuoka , Ayane Sakura , Ai Kayano , Yûsuke Kobayashi

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