Body (Body sob 19) (2007)

Body (Body sob 19) (2007)

Anda menonton film Body (Body sob 19) (2007) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Chon is suffering from nightmares. He tries not to sleep because he's scared of a girl that he sees each night in his dreams. In the dreams, the girl screams for help before she is cruelly killed. Ae, Chon's sister is worried about the illusion that Chon sees in his dreams, so she introduces him to a psychiatrist. Chon tries to prove that what he sees is not just the illusion. Finally, Chon is right when some clues in his nightmares lead him to a morgue number 19. And now, the story of the dead body inside the morgue is gradually revealed ??AnonymousAwards: 9 nominationsWorldwide Gross: ,129,523Paween PurijitpanyaArak Amornsupasiri, Ornjira Lamwilai, Kritteera Inpornwijit2007-10-08 (Thailand)tt1160315 Untuk menonton Body (Body sob 19) (2007) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Paween Purikitpanya

Pemeran:Arak Amornsupasiri , Patharawarin Timkul , Kritteera Inpornwijit , Ornjira Lamwilai

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