Blood, Sand and Gold (2017)

Blood, Sand and Gold (2017)


Anda menonton film Blood, Sand and Gold (2017) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.When the top salvage company in the world loses a billion dollars of 15th century artifacts, chief archaeologist Mave Adams hires ex - criminal Jack Riordan to track it down. Back at the company headquarters in Hong Kong - Mave's brother Mathew Harper and his general council Ernest have ulterior motives other than cooperating in the investigation. As Mave and Jack trace the stolen treasure along the same ancient routes Sir Francis Drake used, he uncovers more than just the lost artifacts - an entire conspiracy of blood, sand and gold. ??ProductionBudget: ,000 (estimated)Soundtrack: Day By Day (Written by Andrew Burford (APRA), C Water (APRA) and Joel Chamaa (APRA))Gaelan ConnellAaron Costa Ganis, Monica West, Christopher Redman2018-03-10 (United States, Hong Kong, Mexico, Morocco, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates)tt3616934 Untuk menonton Blood, Sand and Gold (2017) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Gaelan Connell

Pemeran:Aaron Costa Ganis , Christopher Redman , Michael Benyaer , Monica West , Jenny Sterlin

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