Believe Me (2015)

Believe Me (2015)


Anda menonton film Believe Me (2015) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.A hedonistic college student poses as a pious televangelist to pay off his tuition, but experiences an acute crisis of conscience when the one girl he truly cares for catches wind of the shady ruse. Sam (Alex Russell) was a student with a scholarship, and not a care in the world when he learned that his financial grant had finally dried up. Desperate to get to law school by any means necessary, he conspires with his three resourceful roommates to start a sham Christian charity, and milk the naive churchgoers for all they're worth. Their plan works like a charm, too; before long Sam and his pals are on a nationwide tour, raking in cash by the barrel. Just when it looks like Sam will have more than enough to pay the bills, however, he starts to fall for his pretty tour manager Callie (Johanna Braddy). When Callie learns that Sam is a fraud his whole future flashes before his eyes, forcing him to make a crucial decision just when it looked like his entire plan was foolproof..Awards: 1 nominationWorldwide Gross: ,419Soundtrack: Walking Backwards (Written by Tyler Burkum, Thad Cockrell, and Jeremy Lumito)Will BakkeAlex Russell, Zachary Knighton, Johanna Braddy2015-09-16 (United States)tt3107070 Untuk menonton Believe Me (2015) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Will Bakke

Pemeran:Zachary Knighton , Alex Russell , Miles Fisher , Johanna Braddy

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