Battle for Incheon Operation Chromite (In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon) (2016)

Battle for Incheon Operation Chromite (In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon) (2016)


Anda menonton film Battle for Incheon Operation Chromite (In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon) (2016) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.American General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) sends eight members of the Korean Liaison Office, led by a South Korean Navy Lieutenant (Lee Jung-Jae) on a secret mission far behind North Korean lines to carry out Operation "X-ray". This covert operation must succeed so that MacArthur can launch the daring Incheon Landing Operation.This is a fictionalized version of the historical CIA/military intelligence operation "Trudy Jackson", part of Operation Chromite. ??Subrat JainBudget: ,620,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: ,749,918John H. LeeLiam Neeson, Lee Jung-jae, Beom-su Lee2016-08-12 (South Korea)tt4939066 Untuk menonton Battle for Incheon Operation Chromite (In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon) (2016) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:John H. Lee

Pemeran:Liam Neeson , Jung-jae Lee , Beom-su Lee , Dean Dawson

Download Battle for Incheon Operation Chromite (In-cheon sang-ryuk jak-jeon) (2016)

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