Arabesque (1966)

Arabesque (1966)

Anda menonton film Arabesque (1966) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Professor David Pollock is an expert in ancient Arabic hieroglyphics. A Middle Eastern Prime Minister convinces Pollock to infiltrate the organization of a man named Beshraavi, who is involved in a plot against the Prime Minister. The nature of the plot is believed to be found in a hieroglyphic code. Beshraavi's mistress, Yasmin Azir is a beautiful mystery who becomes intertwined in the plot. Pollock needs her help, but she repeatedly double crosses him in one escapade after another, he can't decide on who she is working for. Ultimately working together, Pollock and Yasmin decipher the message and set out to stop an assassination of the Prime Minister. ??E.W. DesMarais Awards: 2 wins & 4 nominations totalBudget: ,800,000 (estimated)Soundtrack: We've Loved Before (Yasmin's Theme) (Written by Henry Mancini, Jay Livingston and Ray Evans)Stanley DonenGregory Peck, Sophia Loren, Alan Badel1966-08-18 (United States)tt0060121 Untuk menonton Arabesque (1966) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Stanley Donen

Pemeran:Sophia Loren , Kieron Moore , Gregory Peck , Carl Duering , Alan Badel

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