Alice (Neco z Alenky) (1990)

Alice (Neco z Alenky) (1990)


Anda menonton film Alice (Neco z Alenky) (1990) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.A memorably bizarre screen version of Lewis Carroll's novel 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', mixing one live actor (Alice) with a large variety of stop-motion animated creatures, ranging from the complex (the White Rabbit) to the incredibly simple (the Caterpillar, consisting of a sock, a couple of glass eyes and a pair of false teeth). The original story is followed reasonably faithfully, though those familiar with this director's other films won't be the least bit surprised by the numerous digressions into Svankmajer territory, living slabs of meat and all. As the opening narration says, it's a film made for children... perhaps? ??Michael Brooke Awards: 1 win & 1 nominationJan SvankmajerKristýna Kohoutová, Camilla Power1990-11-01 (Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, West Germany)tt0095715 Untuk menonton Alice (Neco z Alenky) (1990) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Jan Svankmajer

Pemeran:Kristýna Kohoutová

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