A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)


Anda menonton film A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.In Brooklyn circa 1900, the Nolans manage to enjoy life on pennies despite great poverty and Papa's alcoholism. We come to know these people well through big and little troubles: Aunt Sissy's scandalous succession of "husbands"; the removal of the one tree visible from their tenement; and young Francie's desire to transfer to a better school...if irresponsible Papa can get his act together. ??Rod Crawford Awards: 3 wins & 1 nomination totalSoundtrack: I've Got Rings on My Fingers (Mumbo Jumbo Jijjiboo J. O'Shea) ((1909) (uncredited))Elia KazanDorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn (United States)tt0038190 Untuk menonton A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Pemeran:Joan Blondell , Dorothy McGuire , Lloyd Nolan , James Dunn

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