Rio Lobo (1970)

Rio Lobo (1970)

Anda menonton film Rio Lobo (1970) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Bent on unearthing the two Union traitors who sold gold shipment information to Confederates and caused the death of a dear brother-in-arms, the battle-tested former Union cavalry officer, Colonel Cord McNally, teams up with a pair of ex-Confederates after the Civil War. Now, as friends, the McNally and the Confederate captain Pierre Cordona ride into Rio Lobo--a dusty town in the middle of the desert overcome by corruption--to bring to justice the remaining traitor who sold McNally out; however, the town is rife with the betrayer's murderous cut-throats. Can McNally avenge his bosom buddy and clean up Rio Lobo? ??Nick RiganasBudget: ,000,000 (estimated)Howard HawksJohn Wayne, Jorge Rivero, Jennifer O'Neill1970-12-18 (United States, Mexico)tt0066301 Untuk menonton Rio Lobo (1970) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Howard Hawks

Pemeran:Jorge Rivero , John Wayne , Jack Elam , Jennifer ONeill

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