My Boss, My Hero (Doosaboo ilchae) (2001)

My Boss, My Hero (Doosaboo ilchae) (2001)


Anda menonton film My Boss, My Hero (Doosaboo ilchae) (2001) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.When a young gang leader seems to be just a bit too stupid to effectively carry out his daily tasks--embarrassing his gang members and himself frequently--his superiors order him to go back to school for his high school diploma. Once situated in the school, posing as a 19-year-old, he soon learns that the school is even more corrupt and vicious a place to spend his days than in his gang. After he can't stand it any longer, he decides to stop playing "the innocent student" and unleashes his wrath on the place. ??Leo UrbinaWorldwide Gross: ,128JK YounJun-ho Jeong, Jeong Woong-in, Un-taek Jeong2001-12-14 (South Korea)tt0301214 Untuk menonton My Boss, My Hero (Doosaboo ilchae) (2001) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:JK Youn

Pemeran:Woong-in Jeong , Jun-ho Jeong , Seung-eun Oh , Un-taek Jeong

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