Get Carter (2000)

Get Carter (2000)


Anda menonton film Get Carter (2000) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Years ago, Jack Carter left his Seattle home to become a Las Vegas mob casino financial enforcer. He returns for the funeral of his brother Richard "Richie" after a car crash during a storm, atypical of the careful house-father. Talking to the widow, daughter Doreen, and enigmatic Geraldine, Jack suspects it was murder. Cliff Brumby, whose club Richie ran, is financially linked to porn and prostitution baron Cyrus Paice, who claims to be just a front-man for ITC tycoon Jeremy Kinnear. Someone hired goon Thorpey to make Jack return to Las Vegas. Jack's partner Con McCarty is restless, apparently about their boss Les Fletcher, whose wife had an affair with Jack. Someone breaks into Richie's home, looking for a crucial CD. ??KGF VissersAwards: 7 nominationsBudget: ,600,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: ,412,993Soundtrack: Quick Temper (Performed by Red Snapper)Stephen KaySylvester Stallone, Rachael Leigh Cook, Miranda Richardson2000-10-06 (United States)tt0208988 Untuk menonton Get Carter (2000) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Stephen Kay

Pemeran:Sylvester Stallone , Rhona Mitra , Miranda Richardson , Rachael Leigh Cook

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