El Dorado (1967)

El Dorado (1967)

Anda menonton film El Dorado (1967) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Hired gunman Cole Thornton turns down a job with Bart Jason as it would mean having to fight an old sheriff friend. Some months later he finds out the lawman is on the bottle and a top gunfighter is heading his way to help Jason. Along with young Mississippi, handy with a knife and now armed with a diabolical shotgun, Cole returns to help. ??Jeremy Perkins {J-26}Awards: 2 nominationsBudget: ,653,000 (estimated)Soundtrack: El Dorado (Lyric by John Gabriel)Howard HawksJohn Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Caan1967-06-30 (United States)tt0061619 Untuk menonton El Dorado (1967) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Howard Hawks

Pemeran:James Caan , Robert Mitchum , John Wayne , Charlene Holt

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