Edge of the Knife (SGaawaay K’uuna) (2018)

Edge of the Knife (SGaawaay K’uuna) (2018)


Anda menonton film Edge of the Knife (SGaawaay K’uuna) (2018) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.In a 19th-century summer, two large families gather for their annual fishing retreat on the far-removed island of Haida Gwaii. Adiits'ii, a charming nobleman, accidentally causes the death of his best friend Kwa's son and hastens into the wilderness. Adiits'ii is tormented by what he has done and spirals into insanity, becoming Gaagiixid, a supernatural being crazed by hunger. He unexpectedly survives the winter, and at next year's gathering, the families try to convert Gaagiixid back to Adiitst'ii. ??xxAwards: 18 wins & 8 nominationsBudget: CA,800,000 (estimated)Gwaai Edenshaw, Helen Haig-BrownCurtis Brown, Diane Brown, Greg Brown2019-05-25 (Canada)tt8947034 Untuk menonton Edge of the Knife (SGaawaay K’uuna) (2018) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:SGaawaay Kuuna

Pemeran:Diane Brown , Greg Brown , Curtis Brown , Toddi Lauren Brown

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