Duvvada Jagannadham (2017)

Duvvada Jagannadham (2017)


Anda menonton film Duvvada Jagannadham (2017) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.A man from an orthodox, protective family is also a secret vigilante who directly kills culprits with the help of a cop as he doesn't believe in prolonged justice system. When his own uncle dies due to land mafia, he sets out to provide justice to all other victims and confronts the real culprit. ??SoumitraAwards: 2 nominationsBudget: â?¹65 (estimated)Harish ShankarAllu Arjun, Pooja Hegde, Rao Ramesh2017-06-23 (India)tt6734984 Untuk menonton Duvvada Jagannadham (2017) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Duvvada Jagannadham

Pemeran:Murli Sharma , Rao Ramesh , Allu Arjun , Pooja Hegde

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