Cracks (2009)

Cracks (2009)


Anda menonton film Cracks (2009) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.At an elite girls boarding school, the award winning diving team is considered the premier group of girls in the school. When a new girl from Spain, Fiamma, comes to the school and joins the team, the rest of the squad is jealous of her relationship with the coach and force her off the team and out of the school by bullying her. When the girl is forced to rejoin the group, they decide to let her into their social circle and begin to be as fascinated with her as their coach is. But things take a turn when the coach lets her fascination lead her too far. ??Masood Meery, Mashhad, IRANAwards: 3 nominationsWorldwide Gross: 1,860Soundtrack: Puttin' on the Ritz (By Irving Berlin)Jordan ScottEva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde2011-03-18 (United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, France, Switzerland)tt1183665 Untuk menonton Cracks (2009) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Jordan Scott

Pemeran:Juno Temple , María Valverde , Eva Green , Imogen Poots , Ellie Nunn

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