Chittagong (2012)

Chittagong (2012)


Anda menonton film Chittagong (2012) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Set in the turbulence of the 1930s British India, a 14 year old boy, Jhunku, and his journey to find where he belongs. For the first time in Indian history, the British army is defeated by a ragtag army of schoolboys and their teacher, Masterda. Called a traitor by his peers, and let down by a man he trusts, Jhunku impulsively joins the movement. As his world is turned upside down, Jhunku is forced to confront his self-doubts. As the leaders of the movement are progressively caught or killed, Jhunku battles against seemingly insurmountable odds to win a victory of his own. The film is an exciting action-drama, made more so by the fact that it is true. ??AnonymousAwards: 4 winsBedabrata PainManoj Bajpayee, Barry John, Delzad Hiwale2012-10-12 (United States, India, Bangladesh)tt1785333 Untuk menonton Chittagong (2012) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Bedabrata Pain

Pemeran:Manoj Bajpayee , Delzad Hiwale , Barry John , Vega Tamotia

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