Barbie Diaries (2005)

Barbie Diaries (2005)


Anda menonton film Barbie Diaries (2005) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Having big dreams and equally big plans, the excited student, Barbie, and her three best friends, Tia, Courtney, and Kevin, begin their sophomore year of high school. In high hopes of landing a job at the school's TV station, Barbie will have to compete with the popular girl, Raquelle, while having a major crush on her former boyfriend, Todd. Will Barbie's charm bracelet and her magic diary give her the confidence she needs to pursue her young aspiration? ??Nick RiganasSoundtrack: This Is Me (Written by Amy Powers, Michèle Vice-Maslin and Dorian Cheah)Eric FogelKelly Sheridan, Sarah Edmondson, Venus Terzo2006-05-09 (United States)tt0795338 Untuk menonton Barbie Diaries (2005) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Eric Fogel , Kallan Kagan

Pemeran:Kelly Sheridan , Chiara Zanni , Venus Terzo , Sarah Edmondson

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