Barbie and the Diamond Castle (2008)

Barbie and the Diamond Castle (2008)


Anda menonton film Barbie and the Diamond Castle (2008) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.To understand the importance of friendship, Barbie and her best friend, Teresa, decide to tell young Stacie a musical fairy tale of a hidden beautiful land, and two kind-hearted girls who love music: Alexa and Liana. As an enchanted mirror paves the way for a wonderful new friendship, the two companions embark on a dangerous quest to the sparkling Diamond Castle, to thwart the secret plans of the malevolent muse, Lydia. Can the power of love and companionship save the day? ??Nick RiganasAwards: 1 winSoundtrack: TWO VOICES, ONE SONG (Written by Amy Powers, Jeannie Lurie, and Gabriel Mann)Gino NicheleKelly Sheridan, Melissa Lyons, Cassidy Ladden2008-09-09 (United States, Canada)tt1294138 Untuk menonton Barbie and the Diamond Castle (2008) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.


Direktur:Gino Nichele

Pemeran:Kelly Sheridan , Chantal Strand , Melissa Lyons , Cassidy Ladden

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