A Gentle Creature (2017)

A Gentle Creature (2017)

Anda menonton film A Gentle Creature (2017) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.A woman lives alone on the outskirts of a village in Russia. One day she receives a parcel she sent to her incarcerated husband, marked 'return to sender'. Shocked and confused, the woman has no choice but to travel to the prison in a remote region of the country in search of an explanation. So begins the story of a battle against this impenetrable fortress, the prison where the forces of social evil are constantly at work. Braving violence and humiliation, in the face of all opposition, our protagonist embarks on a blind quest for justice. ??Happy_Evil_DudeAwards: 2 wins & 13 nominationsBudget: â?¬2,000,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: 1,875Sergey LoznitsaValeriu Andriuta, Boris Kamorzin, Roza Khayrullina2017-08-16 (France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands)tt5618752 Untuk menonton A Gentle Creature (2017) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.




Pemeran:Boris Kamorzin , Liya Akhedzhakova , Valeriu Andriutã , Vasilina Makovtseva

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