13 Hours (2016)

13 Hours (2016)


Anda menonton film 13 Hours (2016) lengkap online secara gratis di 4Khotvideo.Libya, 2012. At an unofficial CIA base in Benghazi a group of ex-military contractors are providing security. In the aftermath of Gaddafi's downfall a power vacuum exists and the climate is volatile. Military weapons are freely available. The US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, makes a visit to the area, staying in a compound near the CIA base. On the night of 11 September, 2012, the Ambassador's compound is attacked by hordes of heavily armed locals. The only forces willing and able to defend it are six CIA contractors. ??grantssAwards: 5 nominations totalBudget: ,000,000 (estimated)Worldwide Gross: ,411,370Soundtrack: Sexy and I Know It (Written by Erin Beck, SkyBlu, Redfoo, David Listenbee, Kenny Oliver & George Roberston)Michael BayJohn Krasinski, Pablo Schreiber, James Badge Dale2016-01-15 (United States, Malta, Morocco)tt4172430 Untuk menonton 13 Hours (2016) gratis di 4Khotvideo cukup klik TONTON SEKARANG tanpa registrasi atau penundaan.



Direktur:Michael Bay

Pemeran:James Badge Dale , John Krasinski , David Denman , Pablo Schreiber

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